Our Famly App

We would like to welcome you to our FAMLY app. This is a new system that we have put into place throughout the nursery to make closer links between your child’s learning and development at home and within the setting. It is also a great way to build a stronger and more personal relationship between you as parents and the staff.

Daily activities are added to the Famly app live throughout the day such as when your child signs in and out, nappy changes, sleep times and what they have eaten at meals. You will also get to see what activities that they have been doing and receive photos and videos of your child’s progress and any observations that have been made.


Log In Online

Download the Famly App

1. Download the Famly app to your mobile device, use the App store links to the left to download to your device.

2. Alternatively you can login to Famly on your computer using the button to the left.

3. Ensure the nursery has an up-to-date email address, Famly will then send you an invitation email, you must follow the link provided.

4. Set up a password and a Pin number.

5. Fill in your child’s details, including contact numbers, DOB, allergies, medical needs and please ensure you tick all of the consent boxes.

6. You are now up and running and will start receiving daily updates, photos and videos, progress reviews and much more.

Find Out More

Using the Famly App

By using the Famly app you will receive daily updates, photos and videos, progress reviews and much more straight to your phone. Your account entitles 3 adults to download and enjoy following your daily updates and child’s progress. This could be mum, dad and a grandparent for example. All you need is the pin to access this once you have set up the app.

The app enables the setting to update your child’s daily activities such as signing in and out times, nappy changes, sleep times, and meals. You can find all of this information on your child’s activity feed, on their profile, and you can also choose to receive notifications about these events too.

A Paperless Nursery

From September 2022 we are hoping to become a paperless nursery making it easier for you to track and keep updated with all necessary information, this includes medication, accidents, outings, meals and session request changes and absences which can all be added to the app by either the setting or the parent.

We hope you enjoy following your child’s time with us through our new FAMLY app and receiving live updates throughout the day so you know what your child has had to eat, what activities they are doing and when they are asleep. Please feel reassured that the staff are still on hand daily for a face-to-face chat during drop off and pick up times.